Form a community litter picking team

I am looking for ways to give back to my community, and though i dont have many skills to share I can definitely be part of a litter picking team to tidy up the streets a bit and help us have pride on our neighbourhoods.

Why the contribution is important

Working together to achieve a common goal is a great way of building bonds, and litter picking is accessible to most people, even the kids can join in!

by Carly on August 29, 2023 at 06:01PM

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  • Posted by Bo August 29, 2023 at 18:05

    Not so sure about this, the council should be spending money on this, not relying on the kind hearts of citizens to do it for them
  • Posted by LondonLass August 30, 2023 at 10:23

    Litter is a massive issue in Havering. I don't know if people would be keen to do this though, everyone is so busy in London. Perhaps if there was an incentive? Borough points to spend on things like parking would be great.
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